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2018 Christmas Charity Events: Help Brighten Someone’s Christmas

It’s that time of the year where the Christmas lights come out; the festive movies start appearing on TV; Christmas carols and events are happening all around the country; and there’s a plethora of presents, smiles, and cheerful festivities all around us. Here at Out And About Healthcare we’re about to celebrate the end of a fun and successful 2018 with our very own “Ugly Christmas Shirt” competition. But it’s not like this for everyone and Out And About Healthcare wants to help out the community by providing insight and some information about the wonderful organisations and charities that are helping less fortunate families during the 2018 holiday season. We’ve also got a few helpful ideas about how you can get involved and help others experience a joyful Christmas.


The Children’s Hospital Foundation are constantly ongoing various charity work to help any and all children in need and that’s not even the beginning of the work that this foundation does for the community. They really are “working wonders for sick kids”. This Christmas the Children’s Hospital Foundation is accepting donations to help give kids the thing they crave the most – “the ability to just be a kid” by giving toys, books, arts and crafts, games and all things PLAYFUL. They’re doing this to ensure that the sick and less fortunate kids can enjoy their Christmas mornings. You can drop off these donations to the Queensland Children’s Hospital Volunteer Service Room, or for more details head to their website.


2017 saw the beginning of The Little Elves Project where a whopping 2500 gifts were donated by the community to help give presents to kids in need at Christmas. Their goal for 2018 was to reach 5000 gift donations and they’ve smashed their goal and were overwhelmed when they reached over 6800 donations! It’s incredible to see so much of the community acting to help out children in need so that everyone can have a special Christmas this year. The Little Elves Project event has already been held back in November but if you would like to inquire more about this project and get involved for their 2019 event, head over to their Facebook page.


Each year Kmart (in association with the Salvation Army) goes above in beyond with their Wishing Tree Appeal and encourages participants to give practical gifts to help people in need. This appeal runs until Christmas Eve on the 24th of December and monetary donations will be accepted until January 31st 2019. This appeal is the longest running Christmas gift appeal in Australia, and in 2017 alone the appeal was able to collect more than 300,000 gifts for families in need. If you would like to get involved with this cause please head into your local Kmart store to donate or donate online. Kmart and the Salvation Army are pushing for gifts that can be practical for all ages and may assist in all walks of and all throughout the year – for instance, necessities for back-to-school, or essential household items


For our community in northern Queensland, the Metro Church in Toowoomba and the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation have joined together for another Christmas Day festivity, called a “Christmas for those who have nowhere to go.” This event provides a two-course lunch and an extra special visit from someone the kids might love – SANTA! This is a day of fun and laughs – that’s what these two organisations have joined together to create so that the local Toowoomba community can get the best out of their Christmas in 2018 and in years to come. Any and all local businesses are being encouraged to help out with this special day. Out And About Healthcare wants to help them achieve their very best results for families this Christmas, so if you are interested in supporting this organisation with donations or wanting to help volunteer please contact the foundation on 0419 789 922.

Out And About Healthcare want to assist with this by also encouraging any local businesses and families that may want to take part in this to please get in touch. You can sponsor a table to help feed sufferers of homelessness and anybody that may be feeling lost or lonely on Christmas Day. Any help would do a great deal for the community. Those wanting to attend the luncheon as a guest can be referred to the foundation by their local community service provider.


“Help spread the cheer” is the goal of the Redcliffe Community Christmas Lunch to help all those individuals and families that may have fallen on hard times. This event is in association with the Moreton Bay Regional Council, MBRIT Industry & Tourism, and the Redcliffe Uniting Church and other local businesses. They’re looking for people and other businesses to get involved and help the less fortunate in enjoying a merry Christmas this year.

This is a free event in the heart of Redcliffe and would appreciate any kind of contribution to help achieve this for those in need or those that really deserve a cheerful Christmas Day. Businesses and the community can sponsor tables for meals or volunteering at the event. Click here if you would like to register as a volunteer. You can even donate gifts by leaving them under the Community Christmas Tree at the MBRIT Office in Kippa-Ring  – see the website for more details.

Do you know someone that this might be a fantastic day for, or a family that this might help to experience a day of well-deserved laughter and cheer? Their website has all information regarding attendance to this event on Christmas Day starting at 11:00am, which even includes the option to nominate an individual or family to surprise them for this festive event.

FREE transportation will be provided for guests of the event and there will be a very special surprise appearance for the children – the jolly man in red will be there to give each attending child a gift on Christmas Day. Please contact to confirm your attendance.

Lastly, a final word from Out And About Healthcare,

We would like to wish the entire community a safe and merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. We hope each and every one of you have a cheerful and merry Christmas and that the joyous festivities continue right into 2019. Out And About Healthcare will be closed after 4pm Friday 21st December and will be back to start a fantastic 2019 on Monday 7th  January 2019.

Merry Christmas from Out And About Healthcare!

Enquire today about 2018 Christmas Charity Events: Help Brighten Someone’s Christmas