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TOP 4 Things to Avoid when Using Your Scooter

Whether you have just welcomed a scooter into your life, or have been scooting around for a while, it always pays to know what to avoid when using your scooter to ensure it stays in tip-top condition.

1.Riding in the rain

While singing in the rain looks like fun in the movies, reality is you end up with wet clothes and a cold the next morning. Unfortunately, your scooter isn’t the biggest fan of the rain either! Just like the road, rain will make the footpaths far more slippery, affecting braking and also your ability to control your scooter.

With rain also comes dreaded puddles, and while to some puddles are the perfect place for your dog to splash, or float your homemade boat, puddles have prime access to the electronics located at the bottom of your scooter. Puddles may seem harmless, but they are like the Joker to your scooters Batman, and can do serious damage that may result in your scooter no longer working. If it does begin to rain, we recommend that you seek shelter immediately and avoid puddles of any depth.

During storm season, we also recommend investing in a handy surge protector, these great little gadgets are an inexpensive way to protect your scooter from any power spikes that may occur.

OaH Top-Tip – Always remember, “If you wouldn’t take your toaster in the rain, don’t take your scooter in the rain!”

2. Not servicing your scooter

Now I am sure you may have asked yourself before, “Do I really need to service my scooter, it is running perfectly/I’ve hardly used it?” Well the simple answer is YES YES YES! To ensure your safety, and ensure you maximize the life of your scooter to the fullest, it is imperative to stay on top of your services.

While it is important to have your scooter serviced every 6 months with our warehouse professionals, there are also smalls things you can do at home that contribute to the longevity of your scooter. By simply washing your scooter with a damp soft cloth, you can avoid any damage that may be caused from pesky dirt or dust getting inside the compartments of your scooter, which can cause costly damage. A pro tip is to NEVER use a hose or bucket of water to clean you scooter. Too much water will affect the electrical components of your scooter, and will turn your 🙂 to a 🙁 very quickly.

Another way to easily look after your scooter is to invest in a compatible scooter cover. Like you would put a jacket on to be protected from the rain, scooter covers are handy at stopping most outside elements from calling the inside of your scooter home. Grab yourself one of our handy Brio travel covers that will keep your Brio safe and secure on a plane, boasting a sleek and easy-to-use design. Or maybe you need an Easy Move soft case that slips on like a glove and will fold down compactly, making storing a breeze. Trust us when we say you don’t want to miss out on these bad boys – you’ll be thanking yourself later!

3.Not charging your battery properly

Without properly working batteries, getting from point A to B goes from being easy peasy lemon squeezy, to difficult difficult lemon difficult. Batteries keep you on-the-go, and are vital to the continuation of your mobility. That’s why mistreating your batteries is a big no-no! Obvious signs that the life of your batteries are fading that you can look for are: sudden drops in battery charge, or your batteries not charging fully.

But don’t stress! If you do believe your batteries are experiencing issues, don’t wait till it’s too late! Give us a call and we can do a comprehensive battery analysis and get to the bottom of the issue. If you have just purchased a scooter, or are wanting to know how to best maintain your batteries, follow these simple rules:

  1. Charge, charge, charge! – We recommend  charging your batteries at the end of every use, or the end of every day to full charge. This will do wonders in maximizing battery life
  2. Consistent charging – Even if you’ve put your scooter away for hibernation this chilly winter, make sure you are charging your batteries every few nights –this keeps the battery fresh and keep them from deteriorating. If a scooter is left uncharged for too long, the battery will begin to fail and not charge to 100%
  3. Know your battery – The type of battery you have will depend on what scooter you own. Different scooters require different batteries that allow them to travel different distances. For example, one of our heavy duty Golf Mobility Scooters will take you up to 80km on a full charged battery, where one of our more lightweight Mantra’s will travel up to 50km. It is important to keep in mind what kind of batteries your scooter has while planning a trip and how much charge your scooter will need to get around

4. Using your handlebars as bag carriers

Putting bags on your handlebars can be very tempting when a quick stop to Kmart ends with never-ending bags full of shoes, blankets, cat toys for a cat you don’t own, and somehow you’ve managed to replace your whole wardrobe… twice.

But hey, we at OutandAbout understand the magical power Kmart (and many other stores) have that make you want to throw your money at them. The extra weight on your handlebars however will affect balance and make turning, especially on sharp corners, far more difficult and dangerous. Lucky for you, we have the perfect solution for this dilemma, investing in our rear bags or rear and front baskets!

If you are looking for a secure place to put your items, than look no further! Our rear bags will give you peace of mind that your valuables are secure with a zip-up design, as well as an easy to spot reflector strip and the ability to hold up to 10kg, perfect for your heavy goods!

If you find yourself wanting a more light-weight option, you can’t go wrong with one of our rear and front baskets. Easily fitted to the back or front of your scooter or green Heartway canopy, our baskets are the perfect place to put your groceries, shopping bags or any other smaller goodies.

Check out these products, and our other awesome accessories like our covers and cases, in the accessories section on our website!

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